Magical Manifestation With Your Kids!

As adults, many of us go into January setting intentions for the year to come. We want to lose weight or get more focused at work. We want to travel the world or improve our relationships. Sometimes they stick. Sometimes they fall away.

What I’ve found, is that working with intentions with friends...or better yet, with family, not only strengthens your own personal resolve to manifest the life you want but also the family bonds.

An intention is a clear goal about the things you want to experience in life. 

And, intention setting has been proven to support people in many areas of life, helping people make decisions, improve their attitudes, and bring in gratitude and appreciation with every small step towards a set goal.

But for many people, they may not even think about this practice in regards to kids or feel daunted by how to integrate it into a child’s life.

Here are some simple ways to set intentions with kids:

1) Ask Questions

One of the most valuable things I’ve learned from working with kids is how simply asking the question opens a huge dialogue!

-How do you want your day or year to be?

-What do you want to be when you grow up?

-What do you want to do today?

-How do you want to do on your test?

-What are you thankful for?

-How do you want to treat people?

2) Be Imaginative

Once you’ve asked what your kid wants, now FEEL it!

This is what I like to call Magical Manifestation. It’s a fun and mindful practice that lays the groundwork for making all these intentions a reality.

You can ask your child ~ Where do you feel grateful in your body? Maybe you feel warm and fuzzy? Or a tingling in your heart?

You can ask ~ What does your life as a (insert dream grown-up careers here) look like? Where do you live? Who are your friends? Do you feel happy? What does it feel like to be happy?

Take some time to imagine the intentions coming true with your kid. Go big! Make it exciting! Act it out! 

3) Just do it!

When works best for you and your family to take the time to set your intentions?

For some people, it may be at the beginning of the year when the whole world is making resolutions. For others, it may be on their child’s birthday, looking out at what 5 or 8 or 10 is gonna be like.

And, for you that have kids who just don’t want to get out of bed in the mornings, consider a daily intention-setting cuddle session before breakfast.

Find what works easiest for you and your family and just do it! Don’t forget to check in over the days, weeks, months, or years. This can be an ongoing discussion and imaginative journey into your children’s dreams of the future.

Have fun!




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